From Lion Brand Yarn, this is one of the cutest crafts I've seen for Easter this year. Created from cashmere yarn, it is sumptuously soft, delightful to knit and cuddle. My needles are clicking as I am knitting at least one of these this year for my new baby niece. And if you are a beginning knitter, truly an easy pattern to follow.
Easter Bunny Knit PatternLion Brand® Superwash Merino Cashmere
GAUGE: Exact gauge is not essential to this project.
Kfb (knit into front and then back)
An increase worked as follows:
1. Knit the next st through the front loop, but do not remove the st from your left hand needle.
2. Knit the same st once more, this time inserting your needle through the back loop of the st. You will have created 2 loops (sts) on your right hand needle, and increased 1 st.
1. Bunny is worked with small needles to create a dense fabric, suitable for a stuffed toy. All pieces are worked flat.
Beg at base of Body, with A, cast on 6 sts.
Row 1 and all WS Rows: Purl.
Row 2 (Inc Row): Kfb in each st across - 12 sts at the end of this row.
Row 3: Rep Row 1.
Row 4 (Inc Row): Rep Row 2 - 24 sts.
Row 5: Rep Row 1.
Row 6 (Inc Row): *K1, kfb; rep from * across - 36 sts.
Row 7: Rep Row 1.
Row 8 (Inc Row): *K2, kfb; rep from * across - 48 sts.
Rows 9-35: Beg with a p row, work in St st (k on RS, p on WS).
Row 36 (Dec Row): *K2, k2tog; rep from * across - 36 sts.
This decrease row is the Bunny's neck.
Row 37: Rep Row 1.
Shape Head
Row 38 (Dec Row): * K1, k2tog; rep from * across - 24 sts.
Row 39: Rep Row 1.
Row 40 (Inc Row): Rep Row 6 - 36 sts.
Rows 41-43: Rep Rows 9-11.
Row 44 (Dec Row): K12, (k2tog) 6 times, k12 - 30 sts. This decrease row shapes the Bunny's face.
Rows 45-49: Rep Rows 9-13.
Row 50 (Dec Row): Rep Row 38 - 20 sts.
Row 51: Rep Row 1.
Row 52 (Dec Row): (K2tog) - 10 sts.
Row 53: Rep Row 1.
Row 54 (Dec Row): Rep Row 52 - 5 sts.
Do not bind off.
Cut yarn, leaving a long tail. Draw tail through rem sts, pull tog tightly and knot securely.
EARS (make 2)
With A, cast on 8 sts.
Row 1 and all WS Rows: Purl.
Row 2 (Inc Row): (Kfb, k2, kfb) twice - 12 sts.
Row 4 (Inc Row): (Kfb, k4, kfb) - 16 sts.
Rows 5-15: Continue in St st (k on RS, p on WS).
Row 16 (Dec Row): (K2tog, k4, k2tog) twice - 12 sts.
Row 18 (Dec Row): (K2tog, k2, k2tog) twice - 8 sts.
Row 20 (Dec Row): (K2tog) across - 4 sts.
Do not bind off.
Cut yarn, leaving a long tail. Draw tail through rem sts, pull tog tightly and knot securely. With rem yarn tail, seam each Ear, adding stuffing as you sew.
LEGS (make 2)
Beg at top edge, with A, cast on 16 sts.
Row 1-19 (WS): Beg with a p row, work in St st.
Row 20 (Inc Row): K6, (kfb) 4 times, k6 - 20 sts.
Rows 21-23: Work in St st.
Row 24 (Dec Row): (K2tog) across - 10 sts.
Row 25: Purl.
Row 26 (Dec Row): Rep Row 24 - 5 sts.
Do not bind off.
Cut yarn, leaving a long tail. Draw tail through rem sts, pull tog tightly and knot securely.
ARMS (make 2)
Beg at top edge, with A, cast on 12 sts.
Rows 1-15: Beg with a p row, work in St st.
Row 16 (Inc Row): K5, (kfb) twice, k5 - 14 sts.
Row 17: Purl.
Row 18 (Dec Row): K5, (k2tog) twice, k5 -12 sts.
Row 19: Purl.
Row 20 (Dec Row): (K2tog) across - 6 sts.
Do not bind off. Cut yarn, leaving a long tail. Draw tail through rem sts, pull tog tightly and knot securely.
Following package directions, attach safety eyes to head above face shaping. Seam Head/Body to make a tube, stuffing lightly before sewing closed. With B, embroider straight st eyes and nose. Sew Ears to Head. Seam Legs, stuffing lightly before sewing closed. Sew Legs to Body.
Following package directions, make a pom-pom with B. Tie to back of Body.
Weave in ends.
Click for explanation and illustration
beg = begin(s)(ning) dec = decreas(e)(s)(ing)
inc = increas(e)(s)(ing) k = knit
k2tog = knit 2 together p = purl
rem = remain(s)(ing) rep = repeat(s)(ing)
St st = Stockinette stitch st(s) = stitch(es)
tog = together WS = wrong side
Learn to Knit instructions: To download pattern from Lion Brand,
click here.