Sunday, January 6, 2013

Finances | Month by Month Bargains

New Year's Day has come and gone but for many of us, it is a benchmark that we use, perhaps inadvertently, to give ourselves a fresh start, a new beginning. And while diet and health traditionally remain at the top of resolution lists, finances are edging their way upward as well. Perhaps this year more than most.

A growing population of Americans are spending more time searching for and applying money-saving techniques on anything from grocery shopping to travel to fees of any kind. It seems like nickles and dimes, but it is astonishing at how quickly they add up when looking at your financial year in review.

MSN Money has compiled a useful list of "Saving Big Bucks, One Month at a Time." If you're like me and planning some larger purchases this year, you may want to check this out. I've printed this month-by-month guide for finding those bargains and will plan accordingly!

Month by Month Bargain Guide:

Televisions: January, March, November, December
Computers: January, April, June, October
Digital Cameras: March, April, October, September

bedding, carpeting, CD's, cookware, computers, DVD's, homes, linens, swimwear, televisions, toys, treadmills, ellipticals, winter clothing

homes, humidifiers, indoor furniture, treadmills, ellipticals

digital cameras, humidifiers, small consumer electronics, televisions, winter coats, winter sports gear

computers, digital cameras, lawn mowers, spring clothing

athletic apparel and shoes, camping and outdoor gear, carpeting, cordless phones, lawn mowers, small consumer electronics

camcorders, carpeting, computers, indoor furniture, small consumer electronics, summer sports gear, swimwear

camcorders, indoor and outdoor furniture, swimwear

air conditioners, backpacks, dehumidifiers, lawn mowers, outdoor furniture, snow blowers

bikes, digital cameras, gas grills, lawn mowers, outdoor plants, small consumer electronics, snow blowers

bikes, digital cameras, computers, gas grills, lawn mowers, winter coats

baby products, bikes, camcorders, gas grills, GPS navigators, televisions, tools, toys, (during Black Friday sales)

bikes, camcorders, gas grills, GPS navigators, holiday decor (after Dec. 25), home appliances, small consumer electronics, televisions, tools, toys

Month-by-Month Bargain Guide by MSN Money

"Save Big Bucks, One Month at a Time"